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ERGO PROXY (References)
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Qlq vidéos trouver sur youtube sous forme de slide , viennent comme bonus avec la version Dvd :
Episode 01/Meditatio I - “Pulse of Awakening/Awakening” “Hajimari no Kodō” (はじまりの鼓動/Awakening)
1) “Cogito, ergo sum” (“I think, therefore I am”, or better “I am thinking, therefore I exist”) is a philosophical proposition by René Descartes (Cartesio).
2) Regent Donov Mayer’s Chamber and the sculptures of Michelangelo, Dusk/Twilight and Dawn in the tomb of Lorenzo de Medici, Duke of Urbino, and Day and Night in the tomb of Giuliano de Medici, Duke of Nemours. The Medici’s tombs is a part of the Sagrestia Nuova, (“New Sacristy”), was designed by Michelangelo, in the Medici Chapels (the Medici Chapels - Cappelle medicee - are two structures at the Basilica of San Lorenzo, in Florence, Italy).
3) Alan Turing
Episode 02/Meditatio II - “Confession of a Fellow Citizen/Confession” “Yoki Shimin no Kokuhaku” (良き市民の告白/Confession)
-1 Phantastic Pseudology/Pseudologia Fantastica/Pathological lying/Compulsive lying/Mythomania: []
-2 Amrita: []
-Hayflick Limit: [].
See also “Amrita” book by Banana Yoshimoto: []
-3 Confabulated Memory/Confidence in false memories: []